September 1989
Lucy and Osvaldo Acosta- Founders
Church of God - Holly Hill
Pastor Thomas Quick
He shared his Temple with the work.
for 3 months, until December 1989.
December 1989
First move
1295 10th Street, Holly Hill
January 1990 Pastors Installation:
Aramis and Norma Vega.
December 1994
Second move
110 Jean St, Daytona Beach
1999 Pastoral Transition
February 7, 1999 Pastors Installation
Luis and Fita Pereira.
September 2000
Third move
Indigo Lake Baptist Church
950 Williamson Blvd. Daytona Beach
May 2006 Pastor Cen
Whoever shared the Temple decides to sell.
July 2006
Exit with full hands.
The Pastor Gives Furniture and Returns Rent,
paid for 6 years.
July 2006
Fourth move
Salvation Army
LPGA Blvd, Daytona Beach.
November 2006
Fifth move
Methodist Church of Christ
1040 Derbyshire Road, Daytona Beach.
May 2008
Sixth move
Mason Nova Commerce
1055 Nova Road, Daytona Beach
Two more units were purchased.
April 10-12, 2009 Inauguration.
January 2014
Seventh move
1027 N Nova Road, Unite 108, Daytona Beach.

September 2017
Installation of the Pastors Figueroa.
January 20, 2023
Delivery of New Temple Carry
700 Reed Canal, South Daytona.